Remember to swallow saliva only and wipe excessive blood out of the mouth with clean gauze. Tannic acid found in black tea will aid in the formation of blood clots If bleeding persists, place a cool moistened tea bag over the site and bite down for up to 60 minutes. If there is further bleeding, bite down on gauze for an additional 30 minutes. Bite down on moist gauze for a consistent 20-30 minutes at the site of the extraction. If bleeding is excessive and unstoppable, contact our office immediately Please follow the below guidelines in regards to bleeding. Your doctor and/or nurse will clean and change your gauze before leaving the office as well as supply you with additional gauze in the event bleeding occurs. It is normal, common and expected to have mild to moderate bleeding after Oral Surgery. DO NOT drink alcohol for at least 72 hours. Avoid spicy foods that may irritate the site. DO NOT drink any hot liquids (coffee, tea, soup).
Maintain a soft diet ( jello, mashed potatoes, pudding, yogurt, bananas etc.).This is an important step to not only regain strength and nutrients but also to prevent nausea from the medications you may be prescribed. You may and should resume eating immediately after surgery once you are able. You might feel intense pain radiating from the site of the extraction or experience an unpleasant taste in your mouth If the clot is accidentally dislodged out of the hole, a condition called dry socket develops. It is important to follow the diet guidelines as to not dislodge the clot. The blood clot is a natural part of the healing process which protects the exposed nerves and bone inside the socket.
When a tooth is pulled out of the gums, a blood clot forms in the space that is left behind.